Monday, June 13, 2011

Haricots verts with caramelized shallots - from my cooking class "cooking of Provence"

Great goup last week for my cooking class. We all had a lot of fun and everyone swore they would repeat my recipes.

This one is a MUST:

For 6 -
2lbs of fresh haricots verts cleaned
6 tab of butter
3 or 4 large shallots
3 tab of sugar
2 tab of good red wine
Kosher salt and pepper
Fresh Parsley

In salted water cook haricots verts 3 - 4 minutes but remember they have to be "al dente" Drain and pour cold water to stop cooking.

Prepare the shallots peel then cut in small pieces
Melt 4 tab of butter in oven proof saute pan. Add shallots and

sugar. Cook for 10 minutes then add wine vinegar, salt and pepper.
Place saute pan in a 375o hot oven and roast until brown and crispy, about 15 - 20 minutes.

When ready to serve, heat haricots verts in a saute pan with a little butter. When warm place on a plater and sprinkle the caramelized shallots and chopped fresh parsley.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Real Estate News from New York Magasine

Some of the most desirable property in the city is on Central Park West, but Amsterdam Avenue is a morass of mid-rises and much of the neighborhood lacks street life.
59th St. (excluding Columbus Circle) to 110th St., Central Park West to Hudson River